Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Skinny Dude

Reconize the skinny dude second from the left?


  1. not just skinny but such handsome, lady killer.

    Now, we get 2 for price of 1. :-)

  2. Wow, the good old Trek day's huh Thomas. Mr. Trekman must have like those days when everybody was on a Trek. Don't worry Thomas, I am a Trek fan too. Whenever I get a chance to pick up a new Trek, I will rejoin you. I don't know how many Trek Jerseys I have from the US postal to the Discovery team, but it's alot. I need to get another Trek so I can use the jerseys again.

  3. I have an old USPS jersey. Let's do a retro USPS/Discovery jersey bike ride.
