VeloViet’s BIGGEST Summer BBQ PARTY is here in the OC! There will be NO bike ride on Sunday August 15th so that we can ALL can attend this once-a-year BBQ. Come out, mingle, and see folks without their bike kit and helmet. We will probably NOT recognize each other in street clothes!
This is the time to make up to your spouse and kids, and show them the nice folks whom you have been spending Sunday mornings with. Hey.. no jokes there man, we ARE a nice group of people!!!

Also for those members who have friends who are interested in bicycling, but were afraid to ask, bring them too! This is a great casual atmosphere to talk to over 50 bicycling-crazed cyclists. Where else can you meet Cap’t Lance Armstrong, The “Wild” Animal, The “Powerful” Warrior, Baby Warrior, Fed-Ex and Fed-Ex Jr, The Gear, Baby Gear, etc... and the list goes on...
For those Blog Followers who does not know a member, but are interested in finding out more info about the VeloViet Bike Club, this is a great environment to meet the members. You can e-mail me at for more info.
Here is what we have in store for you and your family:
- 2 huge monstrous lakes to swim and play in
- Shallow kiddie lake area where they can play in safely, and supervised by 50 of the most in-shape riders of the OC
- Water slides!
- Row boat!
- Volleyball
- Swimming!
- Fishing!
- Tent and shade areas for the mommies and babies
- Tennis/basketball courts
- Lots of park and grass areas for the kids to run around in and for the adults to take a nap!
- 7 different swimming pools!
- Food, food, and even more food!
- Over 50 of the best cyclists in the OC!

As a Special Treat, our very own Candy Lopes will be giving us a FREE professional demonstration of the most needed on-the-road cycling repair and maintenance tips! A definite must attend for all Newbies and those who don’t know how to change a flat (you know who you are!). There will be cycling-related contests too. Have you ever seen The Gear change a flat? Be prepare to be impress with his raw speed and talent!
So mark your calendar. To reserve your spot, you can Blog here to this post, or send Mac, Cap't, or myself an e-mail by this weekend. We will need to know how many people in your party for food consideration:
Event – VeloViet’s BIGGEST Summer BBQ Party
Date – Sunday August 15th
Time – 10 AM to 4 PM (please arrive on time as the cycling repair demo starts at 10:30 AM. A must attend for ALL new members and those who needs to know)
Location – Woodbridge Village Beach Club in Irvine (more info later from Mac on exact meeting point)
See you there!
P.S. Reserve your spot now!
The photo #1 makes me feel like Caribbean vacation...Man, exquisite turquoise water!
ReplyDeleteGreat spot! Great spot! Good job Mac, Thanks!
Great recap Phong. Oops, this is not a ride recap. It's a promotion of great fun.
ReplyDeleteSign me up. Looking forward to a great time!
Hope everyone will show up and have a great time. Bring your family, friends, etc.
May I make a suggestion. Since the club is growing and we have many members, we don't know everyone's name so how about if we wore a "Hello my name is..." tag? I'll admit I'm the guilty one for not knowing everyone's name. This way we won't feel too embarrassed introducing people to our guests too. Just an idea. I will volunteer buying them if okay with you guys.
ReplyDeleteI think that's is a great idea! Bring it up to Cap't & everyone on this Sunday ride. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteWe did this during XMas Party. We made everyone wear the name tag. It works very well. Let see if Mac still has them.
ReplyDeleteGreat idea.
If you are in the swim pool use the Magic Marker to name yourself on the chest or arm just like you are competing @ the Ironman! LOL!
ReplyDeleteWell, you can reserve for me a spot and I will try to make it there by next year! Look like will be so much fun!
Have a gret time!