Friday, September 10, 2010

VeloViet OC!!! Have A Great Ride On 9/11!

Hope you guys will have a great ride for both days 9/11 and 9/12!
120+ miles each day will be tough on anyone body! I solute you for doing it!

VV HPteam of MN will also be on the road and we all will do Century together! Even though we are far away, we can not hear or see OC team but we will scream and cheer for U guys! Yes! U in RED VeloViet kit! "Don't give up! Keep going! You can do it!" You will be able to share with us when you are done and I promised you that you will be glad you keep pushing that pedals tomorrow to finish with the rest of our team.

Remember to take pics and show your funny or painful face to share with us! Those pictures will be a good memories to talk about for days and months to come!

Take care and ride safe!
From VeloViet HPTeam of MN,
Quang Vo

Report from VeloViet HPTeam, Here is the picture we took in front of Northfield MS before departure. VV HPTeam, new members, friends & family.

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