Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

The VeloViet Cycling Club would like to wish our members, friends, and guests who visit our Blog a Happy New Year!

Last Sunday's Ride Recap -

Mile 25 - The mechanized sound coming out of the 35 VeloViet riders was like sweet music to my ears. The Viets were a fluid, synchronized red motion on PCH. We were riding at 22-25 mph and everyone was tucked in nicely. A1, A2, Party Guy Simon, and even Dashaan who came out, were all here. At the front were 6 strong men rotating and pulling the pack.

Mile 44 - The Rain Gods pitied the 3 VeloViets and released a torrent of water cooling the riders down. Around this time, Fixie, Keith, and I were stuck dead last trying desparately to catch up to the fast moving front group. All the major A1 players were here, along with a few strong A2 riders. There were a total of 18 riders in this front group and I had verbally declared that I thought this would be the first VeloViet group to finish in the Palm Spring Century. We caught up, soaked to the bones from the rain.

Mile 55 - Nic went nutz at the front on PCH. The increase in speed, and a strong headwind, splintered the pack. Nic, Tuan, Arnel, Greg, and Luke pulled away. I was with Scott, Cap't, Steve, Sang, and Cuong in the second group. The front 6 riders simply rode away from us.

Mile 65 - Sang went nutz at the front on SART. By himself, he pulled the rest of us the entire way on SART. Amazing display of sustained power. Watch out for this guy in Palm Springs!

Mile 70 - If it was raining cats and dogs before, it is now raining cows and horses. I had taken my glasses off to see and still could not see with all the rain. In my haste to pocket my glasses, I accidently broke one of the arm on my Oakley sunglass. Darn it!

Mile 75 - Like a wet noddle, we rode back to MSP. But man it was one of the funnest training ride we have had in a long time. Almost there... just 2 more weeks to PSC.

Photo - Last Sunday's Ride. It Was Wet!




  1. The year of the Rabbit (actually Cat) is near, you guys made the New Year card brighter and sure look fast and crank it faster than the bunny or the pus... cat! Good job ya'all! Thanks for the recap, Phong.


  2. When did The Warrior changed his nick name to "Shagee Dog"?

  3. My falled. i had wacth to many funny movie and it is happen to be shagee Dog movie. Warrior can have many nick name. he is fast like Rabbit so Rabbit Warrior 2011
