Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Hunger...

The child digs through the garbage searching for something.  She is behind the alley of the large shopping center.  Her frail hands move the tons of garbage in the large trash container.  Suddenly she shouted in joy as she spies a container with some left over food that someone had thrown away.  She cried with relief that for today... she would not starved.
The Rider sip his coffee slowly and looked outside his window as Mother Nature adjusted the dimmer in the sky to brighten the day.  It had rain all night, and the air was clean and crisp as the sun started to peak over the horizon.  Deep in his thought, the Rider believed that there is bright hope to this world if there are people who care, but who will also act.  His VeloViet Team had decided that they will act.  The Hunger Ride begins...
Photo - The Hunger Ride
He was the third cyclist to arrive at Rock N' Road in Irvine. Captain Thomas and Brian was already there helping RNR Jeff and Mike set up the tents and the large boxes that will store the food that the cyclists bring to feed those in need for this holidays.
 Photo - Brian and Thomas Taping Up the Containers
Photo - Mike Bringing Out Water & Sodas
Photo - Jeff, Thomas, and Brian
More VeloViets started to arrive, as well as cyclists from Sho-Air, VeloSport, B4B, and many others. Captain Thomas had invited some friends of the VeloViet to come and they rolled in 15 minutes before the start.

Photo - Members of The VeloViet Team Representing

Photo - VeloViets and Their Invited Friends
Photo - Phong & OCPAA Ryan

Photo - Keith & Brian

Photo - Huong Representing the VeloViet Divas
Photo - Muscle Milk Anyone?

At 8 AM, Rock N' Road owner Matt gather everyone and gave the riders a quick speech.  Of course I could not pass up this photo op!

Photo - The Hunger Riders Posed for a Photo

Photo - VeloViets In the Pack

Off we went! Matt led the group out of the shopping center.  Lots of talking and socializing going on.  The large group stuck together for a bit until a red light split the pack.

Originally Thomas, myself, and a few other members were in the first pack.  We decided to wait for the rest of the team.  Regrouping, this second pack moved on.  The VeloViets were in the front rolling nicely at a social pace of 18-20 mph.

The hills changed the socializing.  On the hills of Alton, Kevin and Brian moved to the front and gapped everyone.  I tried hard to keep pace, but had to slow to not blow up too soon.

Santiago changed even more of the group's landscape.    I remembered Keith did some nice uphill accelerations too that I could not matched.  I caught up and then Ted and I got stuck in "no-man's" land as we were significantly behind the front riders of this group, but were significantly in front of others.  There too were about 4-5 tandem crews that blasted everyone on the downhill.  It was fun!

We reached the Portola and waited for some members who had flatted.  Picture time!

Photo - Huong & Phong
Photo - Waiting...
 Photo - And Waiting...
 Photo - Keith, Brian, and Friends
Photo - Ted and Friends

Finally Thomas arrived and we moved.  Back to the shop!

There, we were treated with Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwiches and Muscle Milk drinks.  I had known about Chick-Fil-A great food, but the Muscle Milk is new to me.  This stuff is darn good!

We then visited the Rock N' Road store.  Thomas bought gifts for his cycling friends.  Kiet bought a new Go Pro as his was broken off from the mount and then the camera got ran over by a car.  Go Pro should replace or refund his camera as mount should not break off like that!

Photo - Sandwiches and Drinks For Everyone!

Photo - Rock N' Road Matt and VeloViet Thomas

As if that was not enough food.  The VeloViet's friends invited them over their house for a BBQ, Sushi, and Sake!

Photo -Shrimp Anyone?
Photo - Toasting to A New Friendship
It was a great ride!  Thanks to Rock N' Road, Chick-Fil-A, and Muscle Milk for feeding us.  Special thanks to all of the VeloViet members and their friends who acted, came out, and support this worthy cause.  Please be the change and help someone in need this holiday season.

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