Monday, October 31, 2011

Mark Leones Memorial Moment from VeloViet Minnesota Team

Hey Mark!
It was chill here in MN on this ride so U know we rode but our goose bumps were showing all over while calling your name. LOL!
You know we are willing to do anything for one of our bro/sis in VV right? :)
You are in a good place now but many of us still feeling the lost of having you around or on email about the Road ID [was your last email I get to read].

VV family,
From all of us to all of you 2000+ miles away.
Special Editing work done by Seth Phillip.


  1. Seth & Quang, a beautiful tribute to our VeloViet Brother Mark. Thank you all MN group so much for your enduring support during this hard times for the OC group.

    This act signifies even further our strength and camaraderie as ONE TEAM. Even though there are miles separating us, we are forever united in more than just a name, but united in our hearts as well.

  2. That’s a beautiful video of your ride in memory of Mark Leones. Braving the weather, you rode to show your support and on behalf of the OC team and Mark’s family, we thank you. Your camaraderie gestures and thoughtfulness are what make the VeloViet family so great and it’s the reason why Mark joined and proudly wore our color.

  3. Thank you Quang, Seth and all Minnesota V V team for Mark Memorial Ride.That's mean a lots as a team and we are here in OC had a same ride last Sunday. Looking forward to see some of you in OC, ride safe, have fun , by the way, you guys look really nice in the new kits.


  4. Hey Minnesotian VV! Yes, 2000+ far away...yet so close in unity...I'm grateful to be a part of this family. Obstacle does not create reveals our true character...Looking forward to a day when we all can ride together!

  5. Very touching video...Its proven that this is an absolute love, respect & camaraderie in VeloViet means so much to us in OC! Thank you & take care you all!

  6. Minnesotan VV's heart-warming tribute to Mark Leones illustrates that our dynamic club is like a pond and everything we do in this pond makes a ripple, and the ripples we make, grow and spread and touch everyone else in the pond, and they continue to touch others long after we're gone, just as ripples from those before continue to touch us in infinite ways. Ultimately, all our lives, past and present, are somehow inexorably connected through the best and worst of times. To the distant Land of 10,000 Lakes, we are deeply touched by the tenderness of your ripple from across the pond.
